Lucy Sheen


BIPOC Adoptees voices featured on Conversation Piece with Patrick Armstrong! Lucy Sheen shares her story.

Lucy joins Patrick from across the pond to talk about being one of 106 Hong Kong foundlings, the importance of adoptees being able to voice their own lived experiences themselves, and why filmmakers and creatives have to do more than just "rely on the experts they know" when telling transracial adoptee stories.

You can watch this conversation with Lucy and Patrick on YouTube here.

Connect with Lucy on Instagram.


About Conversation Piece with Patrick Armstrong

Conversation Piece with Patrick Armstrong is a podcast about the missing pieces of the conversations we're already having.  Join the titualar Patrick every Tuesday as he explores a wide range of topics with guests from various identities and communities. Each episode is a unique and thought-provoking journey, where Patrick's genuine curiosity leads him to ask insightful questions and draw out intriguing insights. From educators to authors, entrepreneurs to thought leaders, guests share what they think is missing from their respective conversations and what we can do to address them both inside and outside our communities. 

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